Lead Wars Hodnocení aplikace

AI is too good. Unfair.

Neat concept, but AI never misses. For a human the controls are not easy to master. It’s not like playing against a human, it’s like playing against that robot girl in Ex Machina that killed everyone.

Sweet Game! One thing I think could make map creator better tho.

I love this game so much! Me and my friend would play this irl all the time but you can’t carry a big enough piece of paper wherever you go. That’s why I especially love the pass n’ play feature. You just need one phone! However, we always have some new ideas for maps, but the map creator is kind of hard to use. I have an idea that might make it easier. I think that the buttons at the top that change the type of sprite should be removed altogether. I think that pressing the sprite button should select whatever type is default, then tap it again to open a list of the types of sprites. Then when you select the desired type, you can then place and maneuver as desired. So, tap once to select sprite, then tap again to open the list of sprite types. It would also be nice if it were that way for units as well, just for simplicity’s sake.

My favorite game

This game offers a fun challenge every time. It is my favorite game app and it always transports me to my childhood when I used to play this with paper and pencil

Stealth iPhone X Update!

This excellent and completely unique game now supports the iPhone X’s native resolution. Nice!!!

Absolutely love the game!

This game is great! I've had it for quite a while, and it's one I consistently go back to to play. PvP is really enjoyable, campaign as well. The controls aren't hard to use at all, once you figure out what you're doing. Developer is also really responsive if ever you have issues. Would absolutely recommend; and have so for several friends.

Great game

This is a staple on my iPhone and iPad. Fun with friends and against the computer. If a game is easy, is it really any fun to play? Highly recommend

Horrid controls.

Just don't. Controls never work the way you want them to. Very inaccurate with how it reads what your intended shots were. It's more of a frustrating game than anything else. There's so much better on the app store that you can spend your money on. Just a trash game trying to appeal to your youth, apparently.

Waste of money

Doesn't make any sense. Way too much work and way too difficult to use.

Awesome but....

Y'all need to add more stuff like people

Reminds me of my childhood

Great game all around. Simple and challenging at the same time. If you played as a kid, you'll love this game. No more erasing and re-drawing, no more arguing if it was actually a "hit" or not. The only thing I can say bad about it, is that it is sometimes inconsistent about whether or not your tanks are destroyed due to moving over water. Sometimes it only takes a sliver and boom, other times you can get away with half your tank riding in the water! Other than that small complaint, this game is a steal for 99 cents!

Controls are actually pretty good

Okay, a lot of reviews complain about the controls. And yes, the controls are hard. And they're hard for the AI, too. I have seen the AI drive tanks into rivers and flub what should have been easy shots. The thing here is, if you ever actually played the paper version of this game, yes, it really is sort of hard to control a skittering pencil. That's what the game is trying to simulate. And it absolutely is sort of hard to control, but that turns out to be fun once you get a bit better at it. I think there's some quirks (collision detection seems to have a consistent bias in one direction, but it's paper-direction, neither for nor against the human player), but overall this is really nicely done and has a lot of fun and depth.

Hate this game

The way you move units and shoot is just bad DO NOT BUY THIS

Love it

Really fun due to the simplicity


I work In the cartridge department of Nintendo and this game is amazing! It's. Shame it would have been a huge hit back in the day

Great Game...But is Unstable

I love the idea and the gameplay. One of the most enjoyable games I've played. The issue I have is that after I open the game, I'll often times want to restart a level. The only way to do this is pause, and click on the missions menu. That's fine, but the game often crashes when I do that, and when I reopen, it's typically to a level or two prior, and my progress hasn't been saved. I've tried to save and quit to prevent this, but that hasn't been working right either. Frustrating.

Bad Control Input

I downloaded this game, expecting some simple 'draw the line to where you want to move', but instead, I got a 'game' made for, I'm not sure. The 'think: touch-slide-move-touch', or whatever it was is far too tedious. I move much faster on folding a piece of paper and using a pencil. With that said, even though I played it only for 45 seconds in training, I loved the graphics and music and animation FIVE thumbs up which is what got me download it. If the Dev's can't give me 'draw path to move', at least give me onscreen controls like UP = LEFT and DOWN = RIGHT, then PRESS BUTTOM. To MOVE FOWARD or BACKWARDS. If you can, check out ATARI 2600's COMBAT the tank levels. Yes, I'm an old gamer. I'll check back in February 2015, I hope control input is better. I'd LOVE to share this game then, if so.

Amazing game

Beautifully made. Nostalgic graphics. Simple gameplay. Tough AI. Love it.

Great concept !

Great concept ! But the controls are so complicated and poorly designed that it just killed it for me. I like the simple graphics and turn based gameplay and I really wanted to like this game. :/

Classic game.

If you played this when you where young you probably will love this game. There is a cool map creator. I wish they would add some objective modes like capture the flag or conquest. We use to draw circles dots for infantry and we got even more ballsy and added helicopters!! How am I suppose to sign in to play multiplayer!!?

Great but ridiculous

This game is actually the type of game that I love, however the pencil fling thing is ridiculously difficult. I will succeed or get lucky once then mess up three times then succeed then back to messing up. This game is very rage inspiring.

Almost there

Fun concept. It'd be nice if there was more strategy and less skill/uncontrollable fine motor skills though. I spend too much time going back and forth to get to one spot or taking way too many turns to move each piece into place.


Do not get this game. I got it and it took my soul, it made me cry with frustration. The controls are absolutely the worst I have ever seen. In flappy bird at least all you had to do was tap! This game is THE WORST!


I think u should add boats,cargo planes,soldiers,and helicopters but still an awesome game.

Poorly designed

Based off a game with a great concept, but poorly designed for mobile devices

Incredible strategy game

Great game and fun to play with friends.

my favorite game!

this is by far my favorite app I have so far out of about 20 , once you play lead wars on your phone you can play it with pencil and paper wich is realy cool, this game has a awesome map editor- you can add objects and vehicles , and you can adjust the sizes of the map. I like that it has a campaign as well as a single player mode because if you want to play with more of a story line you can and if you want to customize your own game you can to, I got this game like 3 months ago and am still playing it- if you looking for a good app that will keep you occupied , this is the perfict one.

Brilliant app!

What fun! Takes me back to junior high study hall--but holds my attention now as a middle aged grandpa. I can't wait till my grandson is old enough to play!

So hard

It said you could ram things every time I try it doesn't destroy the thing and it is really hard to make the curved and longer shots

Love it!!! More please.

Love this pencil and paper based strategy game. I've gone through the Campaign twice. And, I'll keep doing it to improve my execution so I'll be ready for new levels when released!

Good could be better

It would be a great game but the whole pencil sliding thing to move it is annoying and frankly too hard. I usually mess up 90% of moves that are meant to curve or be longer.

A Great Game

An absolutely terrific time waster with no downfalls whatsoever! An absolute must for any part-time strategists!

Fantastic strategy game with a twist

I recommend this to anyone that likes strategy games and wants something a little different. The dev keeps updating it too, though its a solid game as is.

Fantastic Game

I absolutely love this game. Everything it is meant to be. Very fun. It makes me want to play the actual tabletop version! Some people have complained about the difficulty, but if you pay attention to the instructions and practice, you'll be fine. :) definitely worth the purchase. The developer is very adamant about his game and works hard on it. Very dedicated.

Wow, 2.99 to play 3 training missions!

As the other reviewer noted, the 4th training mission (curve shots) is impossible. And the game is locked and won't let you play actual battles until you complete all the training missions. So, enjoy your 1st 3 training missions. Developers, please remove the lockdown - game concept looks like a lot of fun, but your training mission lockdown is killing your game.

It WAS fun...

It's a fun game until you get to the campaign mission where it tries to teach you how to do curve shots. That mission is IMPOSSIBLE. I tried numerous times but ended up ragequitting.


Sweet game very entertaining

Nostalgia required

I never played this game before, so while I understand the physical gameplay, I have no idea why on earth someone would want to replicate it on a digital medium. It's so volatile, random, and annoying, that I could only imagine it being fun when you're eight in 1980, stuck in school or at church, and have no other amusement. If you played it, you'll probably enjoy a few minutes of nostalgia. If not, you'll probably give up baffled about why someone would make it. It is pretty well made for what it is, though.

Not for me

I had this game pop up on Genius so many times that i finally gave in. Played for 10 minutes and promptly deleted.


Is this a joke so poor

Worst Game Ever!

Full of glitches and hard to get from point A to B won't be able to hit anything!

Easy to learn hard to master

Be cool to see more units

Stupid confusing

To Dam confusing save your money.

Awesome game!

I really love this game as a kid I always played a starwars version of this game .and think it would be awesome if you could make a starwars lead wars .and you could have ocean levels with aircraft Carriers warships and submarines.that would be really awesome just like you guys!!!

Wonderful, a new opiate.

Nice job

Great Idea!

Overall a great game, well done!

Bad control

I really wanted to like this game, but the controls or horrible. This is coming from a gamer. I can barley do the tutorial. The concept seems like o much fun. Please fix.

Not for everyone

It's a nice idea in theory, but in practice it's so hard that I couldn't even get past the tutorials, making it essentially unplayable.

Very entertaining.

Great game. Addictive.


It's a blast! Keep em coming!!!

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